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A Journey of Love

Truly, when I take a panoramic retrospect of my life and think of the goodness of JESUS I realize without any doubt that God is truly good and He loves us! I am most thankful for the helpmate that God has given me in my wife Jeannette, grateful for our daughters, grandchildren, and my New Light Family.

This journey of pastoring this Church family has been and is sweet. Our former pastor, Dr. H. B. Williams had laid a great building foundation and under his tutelage God allowed me to observe, dissect, analyze, and formulate golden nuggets through the WORD! This journey is one of humbleness and thankfulness to God for allowing me to be the Joshua to take His people higher in JESUS' standard for living a good Christian life.

We are a people that will always attempt to be about our Father's business of saving souls for there is still room at the cross for more. Our Church theme for this year is, “Where Do We Go From Here?”  —- ultimately to become “holy” for God is “holy”. However, there is work to be done in God's vineyard so we are pointing others to JESUS by living right according to God's precepts. We're striving together to help one another for the only time we truly look down on any brother or sister is when we are sincerely trying to pick them up! 

 Life is too short to hold a grudge in your heart for anyone, don't carry stuff in your heart when folks do you wrong—-put it in God's hands and love in spite of.  Our greatest inspiration is God, He gave the ultimate gift in His Son, Jesus for wretched creatures like us. Now, what we do with this precious life He gave to us should be our true ultimate gift to Him —-to live so He can use us in His service of serving others in LOVE!

New Light you are one of the greatest churches and we will continue to let our light shine, be an inspiration to others, and when it is the Lord's time to call and our time to answer we'll hear, “WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!” But until then WE HAVE WORK TO DO IN THE VINEYARD!

Let's plant more love, more prayer, more patience, more humbleness, more forgiveness, more servanthood, more joy, more obedience, and more of the WORD! ~ Dr. Gil H. Wright

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